Centre for Population Genomics
To develop the branding for a new Australian genetic diversity database.
In Australia, many communities of non-European ancestry are largely or entirely missing from all existing global genomic resources, including Indigenous Australians, as well as groups of Oceanian, South-East Asian, South and East Asian, Middle Eastern, and African ancestry. The aim of the OurDNA project is to create genomic resources that are more representative of Australia’s diversity.
In responding to this challenge, we initially developed three distinct concepts for the Centre for Population Genomics (CPG) team for this flagship project. The first concept focused on the theme of diversity, the second concept focused on the theme of DNA and medicine and final concept focused on the broad theme of equality.
The colours and shapes within these concepts provided a strong platform for expanding on the visual language of each – they contained elements that could be extrapolated, animated, combined and used in distinct ways in presentations, brochures, reports, online content, social media and, at scale, for displays. This is very much our approach at Leading Hand Design; to create branding solutions that are not only visually impressive but also inherently practical so they can work across the myriad ways they need to be used to communicate to all stakeholders.
CPG chose the diversity concept and with a few final tweaks was confirmed and is showcased on this page.