Digital-first Branding

Branding, Web Design, Animation, Video editing
DrinkFacts Campaign
DrinkFacts Campaign
DrinkFacts Campaign
DrinkFacts Campaign


To develop a brand for DrinkFacts; a new social media campaign supported by the Australian Beverages Council (ABCL), aiming to keep the Australian public informed on all things drink-related. This involved a logo, brand guidelines, website, video production, photography direction, and an ongoing series of social media tiles.


The highly-talented Forward Agency approached us, asking if we could assist them in creating a brand concept to present to the ABCL as part of a pitch. After much brainstorming and fine-tuning to the concept, Forward Agency were successful in their pitch to ABCL and won the project, opening up a series of exciting new jobs to follow.

The first was to develop a website which was to act as a knowledge hub for all things drink-related. This includes health benefits and concerns associated with drinks, the responsibilites of the beverages industry, how individuals can make better choices and recycle their containers, and much more. This gave us the opportunity to expand on the overall look and feel of the brand by coming up with some fun elements and a vibrant colour palette to create something unique and eye-catching while also being highly functional and adaptable.

Along with the website, we needed some strong photography to support the visuals and further develop a look and feel, so Forward asked us to come up with ideas for a series of photographs and provide direction to a professional photographer. What we ended up with is a strong and distinguishable series of scenes that use vibrant colours, follow a consistent structure, and can work across all pieces of DrinkFacts creative, namely the website and social media.

Next, to coincide with the launch of the campaign, we created a snappy 60-second sizzle reel, outlining the ambitious goals of the DrinkFacts brand and establishing a platform for good.

To kick off the launch of the brand in October 2022, we had also developed a handful of social media tiles for the DrinkFacts social feed, and continue to create more to keep the facts flowing. You can check out their Instagram to see what we’ve been creating lately.