Elder Abuse Action Australia
To create a compelling, series of Compass animation videos for on key topics such as Powers of Attorney and Family Agreements.
We initially developed an illustration style suitable for the broad Australian audience that aims to reach. We wanted the style to be distinctive, easy to work with and to have a timeless quality. It also needed to be able to showcase various audience types, situations and be applicable to a range of topics.
Each animation was carefully scripted to convey key information succinctly and to invite viewers to more expansive information on
We auditioned several people before settling on a warm, friendly female voice for the series.
The animations have been well received by the sector and the general public with views of 50,000 and climbing. They have been used in webinars, as part of meetings and have been shared widely for use by organisations across Australia.
Further Compass animation videos are planned as part of the strategy to raise awareness of elder abuse and to make information about tackling elder abuse easier to access.
Living with your adult child video
Powers of Attorney video
Recognising Elder Abuse video
Preventing Elder Abuse video