St Vincent’s Centre for Advanced Medical Research
Since 2014 Leading Hand have managed, designed and printed the annual Research Review for the St Vincent’s Centre for Advanced Medical Research. For the new report, the Centre required a fresh, engaging design to communicate their work and their vision to their broad range of stakeholders. The design needed to fit into the family of reports we have designed over the past decade but present as a new, dynamic communication piece.
For this report, we were tasked with developing a resource that was relevant, relatable, responsible… see a pattern here?
We combed through the copy of the report and noticed the surprising number of words starting with “RE”. After putting together a very long list of these words, the client gave us the green light to proceed with the idea.
Overlaying the words vertically onto an aerial shot of the St Vincent’s precinct – an important part of the Centre’s activities – we used colours and fonts from the client’s brand guidelines to create a cover design that parlayed into section introduction pages that spoke to the subsequent content. This assisted with developing a rejuvenating reset for each chapter of the report. See… the “RE”s just keep coming!