We are thrilled to have been appointed by Elder Abuse Action Australia (EAAA) to be the content producers for a new national knowledge hub on elder abuse – compass.info
Compass has been created by Elder Abuse Action Australia (EAAA), with funding from the Australian Government Attorney-General’s Department.
As producers and content editors we are excited to be working with EAAA and Mirum Agency on this very important initiative.
Compass.info is already live and over the coming months and years this online tool will develop into a vital hub of information and services to help people directly and indirectly affected by elder abuse.
The primary aim is to ‘to create a national focus on elder abuse by raising awareness of this growing social issue, and simplify the process of connecting people to services and information tackling elder abuse.’
The whole team is excited and engaged in working to make this a vital asset for Australians directly and indirectly affected by elder abuse.